Suurim saatjate otsingumootor


Sofia25 (26, Naine) - Saatja Rooma

✓ Video on kinnitatudalates detsembrist 2024

Sofia25, Vanus 26

Rooma / Itaalia

Viimane sisselogimine: eile

Nädala saatja



  • Tüüp: Sõltumatu saatja
  • Sugu: Naine
  • Seksuaalne sättumus: Biseksuaalne
  • Suitsetamine: Pole Suitsetajat
  • Kõrgus: 165 cm
  • Rahvus: euroopalik
  • Kehatüüp: sihvakas keha
  • Juuksevärv: mustad juuksed
  • Silmade värv: sinised silmad
  • Intiimne: täiesti raseeritud
  • Keel(ed): räägib inglise ja itaalia keelt


sisse kutsuda, välja kutsuda


Härrased, paarid

Sofia25 meeldib

šampanja, valge vein, Prantsuse köök, Itaalia köök, Jaapani köök, Hispaania köök, orhideed, roosid, kontserdid, ballett, raamatud, reisimine

Sofia25 meeldib ka



Alates 250 EUR tunnis
kuni 3.000 EUR terveks päevaks

Makse vastu võetud

Sularaha, Paypal




WhatsApp, SMS

Umbes Sofia25

Sofia25, Naine, Vanus 26, Naine, Saatja Roomas / Itaalias. Ta on 165 cm pikk, tal on mustad juuksed, sinised silmad ja saleda kehaehitusega. Sofia25 räägib inglise keelt ja talle meeldivad šampanja, valge vein, Prantsuse köök, Itaalia köök, Jaapani köök, Hispaania köök, orhideed, roosid, kontserdid, ballett, raamatud ja reisimine. Sofia25 on saadaval sisse- ja väljakutsumiseks.
ÄRGE makske ette Transcashi, PCS-piletite, Neosurfi, BITCOINi või mõne muu makseviisiga. Ettemaksupakkumised on enamasti pettused! Palun teatage meile sellistest profiilidest!

Arvustused (2) 2

Sorry for being Abrupt
alates Eddy A
For sure, The Worst Female i have met in 40 Years life time.
The attitude was just so Cheap and intimidating. Before transferring the money she was all nice and fruity… after payment was made, she acted As if she was superHero of some movie trying to pretend she is in rush. Using phone during sex and phone was ringing constantly. Upon rewuest to put phone on silent she replied.. ‘This is business, dont tell me what to do’ and an eye roll LOL. At one point she went off to see the phone leaving the intercourse. Which was huge turn off. She said there are my rules and You cannot touch me even… only touch when i ask you to.. which she never did.
Felt like a complete Scam!!! She was constantly talking different self-made-Rules DURING the Sex. Clearly something wrong with the Lady.

CareFull Not to WASTE your money. Worst i have ever felt.

alates Sofia25
Sorry all the think that you see there its fake fake fake,i know when you arrive and you was stay one hour by time!!!i dont rush you and i tell you the rules for beginning and what was included in the money that you give me,for another think its extra money so you was know that,you wanted to pu here our conversation from whatpp???stop to lie and say that i am scam not true for all!!!!Have a nice day!!
Actually beautiful girl
alates Euroman1955
There is no doubt that the woman will be more beautiful than her pictures.
However, the service is very robotically and monotonous, and there is a lot of talking.

I wish she would become more aggressive and sensual. so that even if I added GFE, I couldn't understand the difference compared to when I didn't.
alates Sofia25
Thank for your comment!!!
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Sofia25 (26)
Hind 250 EUR / Tund
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